
Showing posts from July, 2017

Supercon Photos

I didn't mean to post the Buffy photo, but I don't know how to remove it.

HP Reread Update

Book: Prisoner of Azkaban Chapter: Cat, Rat, and Dog Page #: 332 Professor Trelawney is full of crap, but I like how despite that she's the one who predicted Pettigrew returning to Lord Voldemort I'm with Hermione by Divination Poor Hermione, though, she had good intentions, but Ron and Harry turned on her.  She cares about Harry like a sister.  I do get their anger to an extent, though. This book was a turning point for her character with punching Draco and dropping out of Divination.  Not a huge turning point. Love Harry's relationship with Lupin. Favorite scene is in the chapter Snape's Grudge when he's trying to read the map and it insults.  I know, I know to Snape lover its mean and bullying, but not going to lie.  It makes me laugh and I don't think I should be judged for that. I also love the part coming up, but I'll talk about it in my next blog.

HP Reread Update

It's been so long since I have read the Harry Potter series, but there are the movies so I remember it better than most series that I have not read in a while.  I have read the first two and almost done with the third, which was originally my favorite and the one that is coming out of its binding.  It introduced two of my favorite characters: Lupin and Sirius.   I hate how Ron's character is altered to make Hermione like "the perfect version" of herself in the movies.  Ron's not as dumb or the comic relief the books make him out to be in the movies.  There's some details I wish had been put in movies, but couldn't be because of time.  I so want either a Phoenix or a Hippogriff for a pet! Book: Prisoner of Azkaban Page #: 318