
Showing posts from February, 2018

Writing Update

I haven't done much, but I need to get into the habit of doing this.  I'm still on the pre-writing phase, but I've been on that stage for awhile.  This epic fantasy will be inspired by the American Revolution with the Fae being like the British and the Humans being like the Americans. There is a plot where I'm including Gypsies and one of my main characters is half Gypsy.  Also the Elves are going to be like the Native Americans, but also they once were part of the Fae Courts.  The Elves wanted to be separate from the Courts.

Holding Myself Accountable

I have come to the conclusion that I need to be held accountable if I want to discipline myself to writing my book.   I'm going to get into the habit of using my blog and my Booktube channel to update on my writing to hold myself accountable.   I also need to learn not to let myself get distracted by other forms of entertainment such as Facebook and Television.