ToP 5 Fictional Jobs

This is my top 5 jobs from fiction I would like to have.  This mostly consists of jobs from television show, but of course some jobs from books too.

Top 5 Fictional Jobs
1.     A Timelady like the Doctor.  To have all that knowledge and be able to travel through time and space would be such an awesome job.  And I would get my own Tardis.  What more can could you want?
2.     A Magician like in the Magicians trilogy.  I wouldn’t want to be the human that ends up having to rule Fillory—too much pressure--, but would love to have magic and visit Fillory.  I just realized this isn’t technically a job, but I’m going to count it.
3.     A Hogwarts professor.  I’m not sure if I could be a professor, but to work at Hogwarts would be so fun.  This is basically being a magician, but under a different name, and being a teacher at a school from preteens to adults.  Brakebills is college level.
4.     A Woman of Letters.  This was a profession introduced in season eight, I think.  The Men or Women of Letters are like Hunters, but the approaches to destroying evil and monsters is different.

5.     A Keeper from the Caster Chronicles.  This is another job that involves of having knowledge of the supernatural world.  You’re essentially an expert, but the down side is you can’t get involved, even if you’re loved ones are getting mixed up in the supernatural.


  1. A woman of letters... I totally forgot it's a job! It sounds so much safer than being a hunter :D

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. I should have put that in my explanation, that is was safer than being a Hunter. ;)


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