ToP 5: Fantasy and Science Fiction Novels

Top 5 Favorite Fantasy and Science Fiction
      These books are in no particular order.  Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey from Ginger Reads Lainey and is currently hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes.   To be honest, these might change, but these are my current favorites. Here is the link to the Goodreads group:

1.    Timeline by Michael Crichton.  Michael Crichton is the same author who wrote Jurassic Park and he is also my dad’s favorite science fiction author so I thought I would check out the author’s books myself.  I’m not huge fan of reading science fiction, because I would rather watch it than read it, but I do enjoy time travel stories.  The characters were great too that have a passion for history and get to experience it. A group of scientists and archeologists must use a newly built time machine to rescue a friend who is trapped in medieval Europe during the war between England and France.
2.     Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. This was the first fantasy that made an impact on my life.  Rowling creates an amazing story and it’s my first fantasy love.  Plus, it inspires a lot of great discussion. In case you didn't know, this about an orphan boy, who discovers he is wizard, but he discovers he's not just a wizard.  He is the only one who can destroy the wizarding world's greatest enemy.
3.     The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer.  This is a great science fiction and fairytale retellings of Cinderella, Little Red Riding, Rapunzel, and Snow White.  I love the world the author had created, the fantasy was easy for me to follow, the story was fantastic, the characters were awesome, and there was the right amount of romance.  In future version of our world, earth is divided by Europe, the United States, Asia, Africa, and the U.K. Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter must defeat the evil Lunar Queen Levana, who hails from the moon and has the power of glamour, from taking over and marrying Prince Kai of the Asian empire.
4.      A Song of Ice & Fire by George RR Martin.  This one doesn’t have as much fantasy as others, but the world Martin created is amazing.  We have so many different cultures and beliefs, and characters.  He creates a whole history.  There is so much going on in this story that it's hard to sum up, but let's just say in a Medieval inspired setting where theirs a war for the Iron Throne.

5.      Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas.  Throne of Glass is a world of Humans and badass Faeries.  I’ve been reading more stories with Fey, not the silly, girly Fairies like Tinker Bell.  It is very well written, a thrilling adventure, and a variety of colorful characters.  I did get spoiled recently my ship has sunk, but it is still a great series.  


  1. the Lunar chronicles is on my TBR!


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