Top 5 Favorite Creatures in Fantasy & Science Fiction


  1. Nighteyes the wolf from Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb.  I know he's not technically not a creature but a regular animal.  I don't care I just love Nighteyes and want him for a pet.
  2. Derrick, the Pixie from The Falconer by Elizabeth May.  Derrick is the Pixie that Aileana came across in her room.  He'll work for honey is very loyal to Aileana.  He is snarky, funny, and brave.  He also enjoys patching up your clothes and cleaning, so he's very useful.
  3. Fenstra, the Magnificat from Nevermore: The Trials of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend.  A giant talking cat, what more could you want?!  She's loyal, sassy, and magical.
  4. The three main dragons in The Dragon Riders Chronicles by Nicole Conway.  They're like giant dogs, but fierce
  5. The creatures conjured in The Dream Thieves by Maggie Steifvater.  This wasn't my favorite book in the series, but creatures that Ronan conjures up are cool.  They're similar to our animals, but a bit creepier and surreal.


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