Classics of 2020 so Far

I am continuing with pursuing my goal to read more classics this year.  I have read up 7 classics this year if I counted right.  The first classic I read is O Pioneers by Willa Cather, and I currently have My Antonia by her thanks to my sister.  It is a pretty good book with a simple plot during the time of the American Frontier during the early 1900s.  A young woman sacrifices her personal life to take of the family farm and family, but her brothers do not think she should be the one running it.  It's not a long story and has an accessible writing style. I listened to the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the first time on audio book.  It is a bit strange since I only know the story via the movies.  After O Pioneers, I read Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy.  The writing was good but something that happens to children was a bit too much for me to read.  I started the Barsetshire series by Anthony Trollop by reading The Warden in February.  I enjoyed it and it is a very quiet book with a question of morality.  I'm currently reading Barchester Towers, which is the second book.  I appreciate the short chapters.  My second ever Fitzgerald that I have read is Tender is the Night.  I liked it but still love The Great Gatsby more.  Today, just finished Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton.  I think she's considered a modern classic author, so that might mean I have read 3 of classics are modern ones.


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