Summer: July TBR

  1. ✅ Middlemarch by George Eliot 
  2. Skyward by Brandon Sanderson✅
  3. Strange the Dreamer Laini Taylor✅
  4. Howard's End Em Forester✅✅
  5. The Odyssey by Homer✅
  6. Lisey's Story by Stephen King
  7. The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan
  8. Poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning  
I'm hoping to finish Middlemarch before I start reading another classic and then I want to read The Odyssey to go along with my summer theme of the sea.  The other classic I want to read Howard's End now, because it was a gift from last Christmas. I want read another Stephen King, so I can have a better update on my King project.  Skyward is my YA SciFi and I need to catchup with my fantasy starting with Strange the Dreamer and The Great Hunt.  No historical fiction this month.


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