Challenging Myself With my Own Guidelines

This is what happens every year, I get excited about Challenges and Readathons, and planning for them, but then I see all the options.  I want to read them all, but I know I cannot because I'm not that fast of a reader. I always tell myself I shouldn't plan too far ahead, because I feel overwhelmed, but habits are hard to break.  This time I want to break it, but it won't be easy.  I still am setting guidelines

Priority Genres I Don't Read
Science Fiction
I will still read plenty of fantasy and classics, but there are other genres and categories I want focus on as well.

Bi-Monthly Wrap-Ups instead of Monthly wrap-ups to take off pressure on finishing a bunch of books in four weeks.  I have 500+ books I want to read within the year and the pressure to get books done in the month stops me from choosing to read those books.  

I started the year with horror book Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky and I'm currently reading non-fiction SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard.


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