Reading and Writing First Thoughts

I adore reading and very open with what I'm willing to read as long as its a genre that catches my interest, but lately I feel I have had to be more picky about what I read.  It is becoming rarer to find really good reads that aren't just entertaining, not that there's anything wrong with that, but for me personally I can no longer settle. 
     I use to enjoy a good old fashioned teenage drama, but as a woman in her mid twenties I'm beginning to question those stories, particularly the ones from a female perspective.  The teenage girl is often caught between two hot boys--often one or both is immortal or just supernatural--and she has to chose.  Its usually the cliché of the good one and the bad one.  The good one hates himself,  tries to be moral, throws a pity party, and can be a bit self-righteous.  The bad one accepts who he is, acts like an asshole, and pushes people away.  The girl is usually a goody goody,  shy and sweet, and she can change both of them.  Now, don't get me wrong I would probably use some aspects of that plot in my own work, but when I read those books about teens the plots are a bit predictable.
  My other frustration is the writing is somewhat simplified and I think that's more tell and not show, but I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate that rule myself.  I desire a rich tapestry of words that describe what exactly I'm reading.  That is why if I had to pick favorite authors my current ones would have to be Stephen King and Kate Morton.  Both weave their characters story intricately and richly, not too much detail, but enough detail as well.  G.R.R Martin is good too, though I have been told he breaks writing rules, but I am embarrassed to say I don't notice.  I feel I should because I want to be an author particularly for the fantasy genre.
   Reading the right kind of work helps me to improve my own writing by not only inspiring ideas, but reading--even watching--makes me want to be a writer.  I hate writing with people who aren't better than writers than me,  at least better from what I have seen, because it doesn't help me improve my own skills.  I need to see something better so I'll be motivated and have someone whose level I want to aspire to.


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