The Show That Got Away

When I first heard about Once Upon a Time I was intrigued as it was about fairytales and bringing the characters to our world.  The premise was intriguing and acting was pretty decent, but one actor got my attention, Robert Carlyle.  He played Rumplestiltskin and had got my attention right away with his performance as the mysterious imp. 
  The premise had promise as it tells the story of all the fairytale characters we know and love, and how they lived.  The stories were all told with a twist such as Red Riding Hood actually being the wolf, Prince Charming started out as a shepard boy, the evil queen wasn't born evil she was messed up by her mother, and Rumplestiltskin was a CURSED man with a son, whom he was searching for.  The Evil Queen, Regina, had cast a curse that Rumple made to bring the people of Fairytale to our world.  We didn't know until the episode "Returned" why, but Rumple made this curse to find his son, Baelfire, who fell through a portal into our world.  The consequence of the curse was that it would rip Fairytale land apart, and we also learn that you have to sacrifice the heart of the thing you love most.  The thing Rumple loved most was his son as far we knew then, but he still room in his heart for another, then maybe you can only love one thing most.  I'll get that later.  Regina sacrificed her father's heart. 
   We learn the reason, not only why she cast the curse, but why she tried to poison Snow White.  Cora was a bit of a pusher and high expectations for her daughter, she wanted Regina to become Queen, a title she lost long ago thanks to Snow's own mother, but Regina didn't want that.  Regina loved and wanted to memory with her stable boy Daniel.  Regina had met and saved a, I would say 10 year old, Snow and saved her life.  The prize was the king wanting to give his daughter a mother who would care for her, marriage.  Regina tried to run away with Daniel, but their decision was overheard by Snow, so Regina wanting to protect her secret, reasoned with Snow that she loved Daniel, and asked Snow to promise not to tell Regina's mom.  Unfortunately, Cora was the mistress of manipulation and got Snow, who just wanted Regina to be happy, to tell her.  Cora stops them, rips out Daniel's heart, and kills him.  Regina, because I just don't think she could ever truly blame, blames Snow White.  That's how the end up in Storybrooke Maine.  The curse breaker turns out to be Emma, the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming aka David.  Coincidentally, Emma, who thinks she is an orphan meets Neal aka Baelfire, a kindred spirit, and the two fall in love.  They have a son, but after being told by August aka Pinocchio, that he knows who Neal is and Neal must let Emma fulfill her destiny, Neal is forced to abandon Emma, she ends up in jail.  Years later, Regina, wanting to fill the whole in her heart, adopts the boy naming him after her father, Henry,  ten years later Henry has learned the truth and sets out to find Emma.  Naturally she is skeptical when Henry brings her to SB, and every so often she had me questioning things.  She moves in with Mary Margaret aka Snow White, and David is in a coma.  Regina is the mayor and Rumple is Mr. Gold, the town's landlord.  Like I said great premise and the first season was a amazing with a few flaws, but what first season doesn't?
  Now on to why the show got away.  First I would like to talk about my favorite character and couple. We know that Rumple had different reasons for casting the curse to get to his son who was trapped in our world, but then comes Belle.  Rumple is  the BEAST in Beauty and the Beast and obviously Belle is the beauty.  Beauty and the Beast has already been given flak, because some idiots consider it Stockholm Syndrome.  In "Skin Deep" the worse that Rumple does is yell at Belle and throw her in the dungeon...oh wait he did plant her.  Oh dearie, dear.  Rumple never abused Belle physically or mentally, she went with him willingly for the sake of her people, and she never made excuses for his behavior.  BATB is a Disney classic and fairytale that everyone fell in love with, because it was about the idea of outcasts finding happiness and love and getting a second chance.  Belle was intelligent and she would never abandon the beast because she couldn't handle his temper.  A&E have missed the point of BATB and have basically told everyone that if you don't meet a certain standard of what is defined as good and you're not "pretty" then you don't fit the mold of acceptable. Rumple is a CURSED man who has been bullied by his father and Ex wife.  His Ex left him to take of their six year old son for a pretty boy pirate for the life of adventure, and why?  Because she was mad that she didn't get to be an honored widow!  Rumple made himself a cripple because he found out from a seer that his actions of the battle field would leave his son fatherless.  The last thing he wanted to do was do that as his father had done. Malcolm chose to become Peter Pan, choosing immortality over his own son.    When the Ogre wars happen again the army starts recruiting boys as young as thirteen and Rumple tries to hide Bae not want him to be killed by Ogre's, which to me is pretty reasonable enough.  That was why he took on the curse of the Dark One to have power to protect his son, NOT  to have power for the sake of having power!!!  Now he is being written as a cartoon villain.  What happened to Belle was a slap in face.  I grew with Belle she was someone I wanted to be like and she saw the man behind the monster, but since season 2, Belle has become nothing more than an idiotic spoiled child who pitches a fit, because she can't turn Rumple into what she wants him to be making her know different from Milah and Cora, who only wanted Rumple for his power.  Belle has made him promise not to kill Regina, who kept her prisoner for probably thirty years and is also the same woman who slaughtered villages over a Snow not keeping her secret--okay yeah the love of her life was killed but hello!  Snow was a child!--;  she asked him to spare the man who stole Rumple's wife, is now dating Neal's baby mama, sold Bae out to Pan; and tried to kill Belle 4 TIMES; and she asked him to spare the psycho witch who kept Rumple in a freaking cage for a whole year, basically killed Neal, and holding the dagger made Rumple try to KILL BELLE, but oh Rumple's better than that.  Hell I would want to kill those people and I'm a pretty good person.  Rumple sacrifices himself for her, Neal, and the whole town by killing his father, whom he could have easily gone with, and he is still treated like leper.  Belle acts like Rumple can make the right choices like prince charming can, but here's a thought DESTROY THE DAMN DAGGER!  She should have been trying to do that since season 2, but oh no, keeping him cursed is apparently more interesting.  *eye roll*.  The couple gets married and were fooled into believing Rumbelle will be happy, but then the stupid sorcerer's hat plot happens and Belle banishes Rumple from Storybrooke and a few weeks later she's dating Will Scarlet because Rumple's a bad man and Belle was brave so its okay that she CHEATS on Rumple.  She's free of his supposed crap.  Why the hell did they make Rumple the beast in the first?!  They did all this to a beautiful story for the sake of melodrama, not giving a damn about how this would hurt us fans.
   Rumbelle isn't the only couple they've destroyed.  In everyone story I have seen of Robin Hood, Maid Marion is Robin's true love, which no longer means anything to the idiots who created this mess,  but on OUAT she is currently dead.  Regina has finally let Daniel go and is ready to fall in love again, and she meets the widower Robin Hood, who has his own son to raise.  Now this relationship had potential.  Two lonely people wanting romantic love, but need to grow to love each other.  Unfortunately, in season 3 Emma, just like her mom wants to help someone in need, not knowing who Marion is, brings her back from the time travel trip she and princess hook, went on.  Suddenly Robin no longer loves Marion, and now we have an adulterous love triangle.   That's only half the problems, which I will continue to express tomorrow, but don't feed me the line of this is supposed to be a soap opera.  Season 1 Robert Carlyle even said he was glad this was something his kids could watch.  Also if I hear one more get over it, I'm going to scream, because this show meant something to me and was a connection to my childhood.    I had to also deal with the crap during a personal tragedy in my life and I'm not the only one.  This show was supposed to be an escape.  Like I said I will continue the rest of my rant tomorrow.


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