Bookish Pet Peeves

  1. Amnesia Plotlines--They are overdone and the easy way out of a plot problem.   If its a reset for a villain to be a good person or if its too protect a character, then that might be an exception.  Also if its about restoring someone's memory then its okay to me, though I still will not watch The Vow, because the family taking advantage of the woman having no memory upset me.
  2. Love Triangles--I won't not read a book/series if it has a love triangle, but they are so annoying and its a cliché, just like amnesia plot devices.  Its usually a girl being like "Oh, which attractive boy or man do I really want?  This is such a challenge.  OMG!"  Honey, do you know how lucky you are?
  3. Dog Earring--I use to do this, I admit, but now it just irritates me, and every time I see a page folded over I have to fix it, or try to fix it.  Of course, at the same time I try not to weird people out, so I won't do that to random people's books if I see them reading.  I also agree that anything can be a bookmark, even a writing utensil, just don't fold the pages over.
  4. When I am really into a book and I am interrupted.  Now, I understand I need listen and respectfully respond when my parents wish to speak with me or are calling me to dinner, but when I am reading I do not want to come back to reality!  I read to escape, unless its a book for school and I automatically only read just to finish it, but I am no longer in school, so I can read what and when I want.
  5. No summary--When the book has no summary this is a minor irritation, but I don't like not being able to tell what the book is about before reading.  Keep the reviews inside the book, not on the back, please.
  6. Stickers--I do not like stickers on the covers, especially when a sticker is covering words, and it's hard to peel off.  If you can start to peel it off you end up getting the white stuff and scratches on the cover.
  7. Hardbacks First--I cannot stand when the hardbacks, that are more expensive come out first, and it takes forever for the paperback to come out.  Not everyone can afford to get the hardcovers, so why not publish both at the same time?  I'm sure there are people who will still buy the hardcovers either way, because they are nicer and won't get ruined as easily, but it would be nice if buyers had a choice.
I will stick with all those for now, but I'm sure I have more that bother me, just can't think of them.


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