Patience is a Virtue I seem to Lack

   How do you handle not taking on those who will end up causing you more stress than you need?  I  keep offering to help those who seem more sensitive than others, that have these issues, and then I end up regretting it because I can't handle it.  I have my own problems, which leads to what I think is the reason I help these people.  I can relate to them to some extent and I want to protect them.  I've been learning, though, that sometimes you gotta stand on your own two feet.  I like to think, personally, I'm doing that slowly, but I still have my problems.
   This one girl (I say girl, even though she's a woman, because she acts like a girl.   She's a year or two older than me and I got the impression that she was younger!) drives me crazy and I'm trying to be patient, but its a struggle.  The best I am able to do is to ignore her, but if she ever say "I thought you had my back"  I might just suggest she unfriend me.  To be honest, it wouldn't be a lost, but my problem is I can't be mean to someone, even if someone needs tough love.  I feel like it will bite me in the ass and that's one of my fears. 
    I thought I was done with these types of people, but apparently not.    I hate to say it, but it would be a relief to cut my losses.  I can't bring myself to do it personally,  I am too chicken, which to some it probably sounds stupid, but I am also a shy person--if that helps to explain it better.  I have anxiety, which ironically this girl does, so I do care a lot about what others think.  Maybe this is God's way of helping me grow as a person.  Again, I don't have patience and can barely take care of myself, so I can't deal with her all the time.  Until then I'll just have to find a balance, and don't necessarily jump at helping someone like that, because in my experience it doesn't go well.  Then again, maybe its me not being understanding enough, but if people think that way I would ask them to help these types of people, because I can't.


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