TOP 5 Wednesday: Top 5 Fandoms I'm not Part of!

Top 5 Fandoms You are No Longer Part
1.     Once Upon a Time.  I hate this show and its writing.  I feel the writers patronize the fans and will only give the fans of Hook a happy storyline.  The show has become Once Upon a Hook and is fan servicing.  Yes, it started with the writer’s ill treatment of Rumplestiltskin and Belle, but they have destroyed most characters and neglected secondary and minor characters that I believe deserved to get more to their story.  I could do a whole rant video on how I feel about the writers and show, but that video might take too long, plus don’t need to get worked up.
2.     Twilight.  I don’t hate the books like some of my peers, but I was never a Twihard.  I was part of the fandom though, for a while.  I enjoyed the books, and it’s one of the few series that both me and my mom liked.  I am seeing the flaws, but I understand her choicest for the aspects in the story that people don’t like.
3.     The Shadowhunters Chronicles.  This one is tricky to put on here, because I’m technically still part of the fandom, but I put it on here since I’m not as hardcore of a fan as I was.  I still want to reread the books, I have a group based on the world, and I love the show.  I’m just not as obsessed anymore.

4.     Vampire genre.  This isn’t exactly a specific book fandom, but this character fandom to me.  Vampires are extremely popular in YA and Adult fiction, but over the years I have gotten bored with this character fandom.  The closest to an original approach was in House of Night series where the vampires were marked, not bitten, and the vampires have a more spiritual aspect to the mythology.  Unfortunately, the story bored me, and the protagonist started to get on my nerves.


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