ToP 5 Wednesday: Top 5 Summer Reads

Top 5 Summer Reads
I don’t have seasonal reads, but I will list books that make me think of summer or books that I think would be perfect to read during the summer.

1.      I went through a phase where I read a lot of Nicholas Sparks, but I have since moved on from his writings.  He’s a decent romance author, but his books can get repetitive, at least to me they can.  Despite that I think his books are great summer reads, because they’re quick, easy, and who doesn’t love to read about a cute southern romance?  Well, okay some of his books to end on a sad note, but some are great to read during the summer.  A specific one I would recommend is The Notebook.  This story centers around the summer romance of Allie Hamilton, a society girl, and Noah Calhoun, a poor boy from the wrong side of the tracks but has an appreciation for poetry.  After a fun meet-cute, Noah and Allie have a beautiful summer romance, but her parents don’t think he’s good enough take her back to the city.  Not only is this an easy read, but it’s all about summer romance.
2.     The Great Gatsby is a perfect summer read.  Just like The Notebook this story revolves around an event that takes place during the summer.  Nick Carroway moves next door to his cousin, Daisy, and her husband, and while there he meets mysterious Gatsby, who throws great parties.  Nick learns that Gatsby had previous romantic relationship with Daisy and wants to pick up where he and Daisy left off.  That’s why he throws the great parties to impress her.  Nick gets roped into all this becoming an accessory to the drama.  The Great Gatsby, just like The Notebook, is a quick easy read set in the fun filled 1920s, a very exciting period in history.  It ends on a sad note, but rhythm of the story is great for reading during the summer.
3.     Big books are great summer reds.  Just hear me out.  During the winter and fall you don’t necessarily have as much time to read bigger books, especially if you’re a student, and during the summer you’re just relaxing.  Granted, most would rather not read denser books for that very reason, but with more time, because you’re on vacation, so more time to read something of that length.
4.    Anything by Sarah J. Maas would be a great summer read.  Her books are so adventurous, fun, and hard to put down.  I find myself wanting to read more than two chapters and can’t put her books down.  The pacing is great and writing style is easy to get into.  

5.     A Graphic novel would be a good summer read, because it is a quick read, and written in a way anyone can read.  You get a full story, but done in a simple way and there are more installments to a story, so it’s like a series of books, but the format is different making it the perfect summer read.


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