Tome Topple Wrap-Up

I only finished one book for Tome Topple, but that is no surprise.  I'm hoping that eventually, it will get easier to read tomes and finish them quicker.  Not that I want to rush my reading, but I want to be able to read bigger books and not take months or years to read them.

Book Finished
Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier
I did give it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I enjoyed reading about Sorcha's journey and I felt such sympathy for her.  She was a very admirable and brave young woman.  The slow burn is my favorite kind of romance, though I can't stand the "will they, won't they" drama in contemporary shows, but I don't mind it in fantasy.  I'm glad it didn't come until the second half of the novel, though.  I loved the relationship between Sorcha and her brothers, but sometimes it aggravated me that they treated her like a child.  I think she should have said something to get them to back off.    I also appreciated how each brother had an individual personality.  The villains were good too and I hated them.  The chapters are long, but there are breaks within each chapter.  I was always eager to find out what happens and was anxious, in a good way, for Sorcha.

For Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson, I am still reading it and was on chapter 18, page 299 as of the last day of Tome Topple. Vin is starting to fall for Elend, but he is no longer paying attention to her.  His Ex fiancee tries to soothe and use Vin. What a bitch?!  Kelsier has asked his brother Marsh to teach her how to burn copper and bronze, metals that are taken for granted, but these seem to make you more aware of other Allomancers.  Kelsier and Marsh are a very familiar dynamic.  Sibling rivalry.  One brother is charismatic, charming, and reckless while the other is careful, serious, and reserved, and one, or both, is jealous of the other.  I'm fine with it, but you could say its a trope.  Overall, I'm enjoying getting lost in the book.


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