Tome Topple

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
Chapter: 18


  • The magic with the swallowing metals is really cool.  I like how were learning with Vin in the story.
  • I wonder if Mare really did betray Kelsier?  Maybe she was manipulated by the Lord Rule?
  • Vin's trust issues drive me crazy, but I get why she has them. She wants to trust people, but cannot thanks to her brother's "teachings".
  • I still predict that Lord Elend is going to be a love interest, but I also think Lestibournes likes Vin as well.
  • The father/daughter bond between Kelsier and Vin is one of my favorite tropes.

Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier
Page: 270
Chapter: Eight

  • I know the grudge between Sorcha's kingdom and the Britons has been going on for years, but its unfair that Sorcha is being judge by her family!  Guilty by association.  Red's mom doesn't even know her!  She just assumes!
  • I'm nervous that Sorcha won't get to her brothers on time.  I wonder if Sorcha's half brother will be a threat in Son of Shadows?
  • Is Simon dead?


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