Characters I Used to Love, but Don't Anymore

Hey everyone,
  This is my first Top 5 Wednesday.  T5W is something on Goodreads, group where you make a list of 5 things book related that's based on a topic given.  I hope I gave a good explanation. This weeks topic is top 5 characters you used to love, but no longer love them, hence the title.  Disclaimer, these are just my opinions. I don't hate any of these characters, just no longer like them as much.
1. Edward Cullen from Twilight.  When I read Twilight as a teenager I was team Edward all the way, and Jacob just seemed too immature to me. I was also a huge vampire fan.  I have since lost interest in vampire plots, because to me they are so boring. That has partly helped me look more critically at Twilight and Edward. I am beginning to see Edward was too controlling and a bit stalkerish, plus no one should be that dependent on guy.  Bella's dependency isn't Edward's fault, but it doesn't make me like him.
 2. Jace from Mortal Instruments.  Just like Edward, I was team Jace, though I had no problem with Simon, and I loved Jace with Clary.  Now, that I am older, and thinking about what other's have pointed out, I have come to realize Jace can be an arrogant idiot.   When I like a male character, and ship him with the female protagonist I am imagining myself as her and considering dating him.  I don't imagine myself with Jace, but I do imagine myself with Simon.
3.  Dumbledore from Harry Potter.  Like everyone else, I thought, when I first read the series at age 11 or 12, I saw Dumbledore as a wise, sometimes silly, grandfatherly figure, but as I matured as a reader I realized he was not the wisest. Dumbledore could have easily saved Harry a lot of trouble and pain if he didn't keep things from Harry.  Maybe Rowling did this on purpose to show Dumbledore is a flawed, human being, but it frustrated me.
4.  Zoey Redbird from House of Night series.  In the beginning of the series I used to like Zoey and I felt bad for all the pressure she was under, and her boyfriend issues.  After awhile though, Zoey's constant whining and going from guy to guy started to drive me crazy and frustrate me to no end.  

5. Harry Potter.  Harry is not a character I strongly dislike, but Harry is character that annoyed me in the later books, plus I heard he was a jerk to his son in Cursed Child, but I haven't read that book to be fair and I probably won't.  He became a bit annoying, but its not a strong feeling, just not crazy about him.


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