Top 5 Wednesday: Rereads

I'm going to go ahead and share my top five Wednesday. This Wednesday's topic is top five books I want to reread.  This is actually a pretty easy one for me, because one of my biggest readers problem is buying more books than I can reread.  Here's my list and these are in no particular order. #T5W

  1. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.  This is one of my favorite romances and I love the character of Scarlet, even if she can be selfish bitch. She's such a complex character that grows so much in the story. Plus, I have a soft spot for historical romances.
  2. It by Stephen King.  I was afraid of clowns long before I read this book, but its one of the best horror stories that I had ever read.  I've been wanting to reread this book for a long time, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.  I have watched the movie multiple times, but the movie doesn't have as much as the book does.
  3. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. I have to admit this is the only book from this series that I have actually read and finished.  I started reading this when I heard the movie was coming out and was determined to at least read one book from the series, though, at some point in my life, I want read all the book in the series.
  4. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.  This was my first Dickens and became one of my favorite classics, Sydney Carton is on my list of crushes.  I feel there's so much I could get the second time around, and like all the books on this list I want refresh my memory of the plot.
  5. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte  This is another favorite classic of mine.  I fell in love with the story and the character of Jane.  The romance between her and Rochester is so beautiful and poetic, but this story isn't just about that.  This is a story about a woman finding herself and who doesn't love a story about self discovery?


  1. There was a time when I used to read Jane Eyre and The Hobbit once every year. :)


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