Top Five Wednesday: Villains

T5W: Favorite Villain

  1. Queen Levana from The Lunar Chronicles.  She is so manipulative and deliciously evil.   She is also insane.  My favorite kinds of villains are unstable in the mind.
  2. Pennywise from "IT"  He's a clown that represents people's fears, enough said.  What is more scary than something that isn't tangible and can read your mind?  That is why he is on this list because he is absolutely terrifying.
  3. Cersei Lannister from Song of Ice and Fire.  Cersei is just like Levana, and I bet Cersei would love to have Levana's power to mess with people's minds.  
  4. Smaug from  The Hobbit.  He's so sly and charming.  Also I love dragons.
  5. Jack Randall from Outlander.  He's so disgusting, perverted, and could be a real person making him even more scary.  This makes him the perfect villain. 


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