Top 5 Wednesday: Current Favorites that Aren't Books
This topic is about your favorite things (*Sings* These are a few of my favorite things) that aren't books. Top 5 Wednesday was created by Ginger Reads Lainey and is now hosted by Sam on Thoughts on Tomes. Here's the link to the Goodreads group: 1. My favorite activity to do other than reading is writing. Writing has been a favorite hobby of mine since fifth grade when I came up with this detective story, but I never finished it. The papers I wrote it on are nowhere to be found, but I remember the one scene that I came up with to start the book. Since then I have been thinking up evolving stories, including Fanfiction, which I didn't realize I was thinking about even in middle school but didn't know what it was. 2. My two favorite Broadway shows are Wicked and Les Miserables. I didn't like the book Les Miserables, but the songs in the musical give me tingles hearing them ...