
Showing posts from January, 2017

Top 5 Wednesday: Current Favorites that Aren't Books

This topic is about your favorite things (*Sings* These are a few of my favorite things) that aren't books.  Top 5 Wednesday was created by Ginger Reads Lainey and is now hosted by Sam on Thoughts on Tomes.  Here's the link to the Goodreads group: 1. My favorite activity to do other than reading is writing.  Writing has been a favorite hobby of mine since fifth grade when I came up with this detective story, but I never finished it.  The papers I wrote it on are nowhere to be found, but I remember the one scene that I came up with to start the book.  Since then I have been thinking up evolving stories, including Fanfiction, which I didn't realize I was thinking about even in middle school but didn't know what it was. 2.  My two favorite Broadway shows are Wicked and Les Miserables.  I didn't like the book Les Miserables, but the songs in the musical give me tingles hearing them ...

The Magicians Season 2 Review "We only look whimsical."

   I just finished watching The Magicians season 2, episode 1 on onDemand.  We begin the episode right from where we left off in last year's finale: Alice, Margo, and Eliot might be dead; Penny has lost his hands (that's simplifying it), and Julia has gone with The Beast aka Martin Chatwin to make a deal.  Quintin has gone on a desperate search for help.  He comes across a witch who gives the impression of the witch in Hansel & Gretel.  The good news: she doesn't eat children.  The bad news: She won't help for nothing.  I imagine Quintin giving her a vial of his blood will have consequences later, but obviously his priorities aren't on that, though he tries to get it back, because her help ends up not being needed.  "I still had to walk here." Alice still has her God like powers she got from Ember, and uses them to restore the others, but unfortunately not heal Penny's hands.    The gang must come up with a plan to stop The Bea...

Top Five: Underrated Books

Top 5 Books Underrated Books 1Q84 by Haruki Marukami.  This is a book I just finished last year, which was a pleasant relief, because it has taken me a few years to finish, and I have only heard two people mention it on Booktube. Despite a few things I didn’t like about it I thought this book was compelling and intriguing, and I am surprise no one talks about it.  I think it’s a book worth and talking about it.  I’m not saying it’s my favorite or the best book ever, but I think it’s worth a read. The 13th Tale by Diana Setterfield.  I absolutely loved this book!  This was a story within a story, which is one of my favorite concepts.  A woman becomes fascinated by this author, who wrote a set of fairytales.  There are 12 stories published, but a 13th was written, not published.  She wants to find about this story.  Sadly enough, I can’t recall the details, but like 1Q84 I want to hear people’s thoughts on it. This isn’t a specific book, b...

Top 5 Polarizing Books

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer.  A lot of people in my generation can't stand this book, because they have realized how flawed this story is, and I get the dislike, I do.  As we get older we begin to see how bad a lot of YA like this can be, but I have a soft spot for this series.  This was the second series that I got into hardcore, the first series being Harry Potter, and I was one of those people who went through the vampire phase.  This was also the second series I got into that my mom liked too, and I am always trying to find ones that both me and my mom can enjoy. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas.  I know a lot of people don't like this one, especially since the second one came out, and I have not read the second one so my opinion might change.  I loved the this book.  If it's a Beauty and the Beast retelling I'm going to be interested.  This retelling was done really well in my opinion.  I'll probably get mad at Tamlin like...

Top 5 Debut Novels for 2017

Top 5 Debut Reads Rose Blood by A.G. Howard  I haven’t read the original Phantom of the Opera novel, but I loved the musical.  The story was beautiful and tragic reminding me of Beauty and the Beast except with a sad ending, the “Beast” not getting the girl.  Once I heard this was a Phantom retelling it was on my radar and after I intend to read the original Phantom novel.  This novel out now, but I’m waiting until it comes out in paperback, because its cheaper. Caraval by Stephanie Garber.  I heard this was similar to The Night Circus, which I loved and will reread, and that got my attention.  I love the whimsical atmosphere of the circus.  Also it’s about two sisters and I can relate to that, so I love reading stories about sisterly bonds. This is due out January 31st 2017 The Beast is an Animal by Peternelle Van Arsdale.  This is sounds very much like a Fairytales plot.  I love fairytale plots that are closer to our the original fairy...

Top 5 Wednesday: Goals of 2017

Top 5 Wednesday: Goals My first goal is to become a more critical reader.  I’m a pretty opened minded reader, though I have genre’s I read more than others and there are certain books I just won’t read, but mostly its hard for me to find fault in the books I read.  I’m sure there are faults and I just hate to criticize, but I am going to become a reviewer in a friend’s magazine, so I feel I need to learn to criticize and accept criticism of the books I like. My next goal is not let others influence my opinions. This doesn’t just apply to books, but to a lot of things.  I am a very sensitive and get easily offended. I struggle with accepting people teasing, so goal also refers to that as well, and accepting that people have differing opinions.  They won’t like/love the things I do. Keeping my room less cluttered and being able to have it the way I want while still satisfying my mom.  I came late to the fangirling party, so I’m trying to get the fangirl type ...

Review of The Librarians

   Tonight, we will be having  new episode of The Librarians, but I'll be talking about the previous episode.  Flynn returned in this episode and he is searching for the "Eye of Ra", but the eye is missing.  During his search he is bombarded by Eve and the other the Librarians, because they feel he has become cold and distant, but Flynn does not see it this.  He tells them that he is looking for the eye, which is more important, and they agree to help him search for it.  Their search takes them to an airplane about to cross the Bermuda Triangle and an Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass inspired dimension.  Not wanting to risk lives most of the gang finds a way back into the Library with the passengers, but Flynn tricks them into letting him stay behind, so he can retrieve "The Eye of Ra".  He must pass a series of test to prove he is worthy, and these tests challenge what Flynn believes about himself and how he relates to other...