Top 5 Wednesday: Goals of 2017
Top 5 Wednesday: Goals
- My first goal is to become a more critical reader. I’m a pretty opened minded reader, though I have genre’s I read more than others and there are certain books I just won’t read, but mostly its hard for me to find fault in the books I read. I’m sure there are faults and I just hate to criticize, but I am going to become a reviewer in a friend’s magazine, so I feel I need to learn to criticize and accept criticism of the books I like.
- My next goal is not let others influence my opinions. This doesn’t just apply to books, but to a lot of things. I am a very sensitive and get easily offended. I struggle with accepting people teasing, so goal also refers to that as well, and accepting that people have differing opinions. They won’t like/love the things I do.
- Keeping my room less cluttered and being able to have it the way I want while still satisfying my mom. I came late to the fangirling party, so I’m trying to get the fangirl type stuff, like Funko pops, and my sees them as “toy” and creatures. She doesn’t want a bunch of stuff in my room that isn’t mature looking. In our old house I cluttered up my dresser, drawers, desk, and shelves. I do get why, but at the same time I’m territorial of my space, so my goal is to find a compromise.
- Get a permanent job. I have had a few jobs, but they were only temporary. I will admit I’m a 27 year old bum, but to be fair I have a few disabilities that make it difficult, like I can’t drive—no joke, and I can’t comprehend calculation, so cash register is off-limits for me.
- Get 5 (maybe 10) chapters of my manuscript written/typed. I am intending to be an author, but I get distracted easily and can’t focus on writing. Every time I a form a plot I end up changing my mind later about the plot details, so this I year I will put more focus on to that. I’m hoping that having a job and being able to walk to places outside of my house, other than the mailbox, will help me discipline myself, because I think part of my problem
Top 5 is hosted by Samantha on Thoughts on Tomes:
And was created by Lainey on GingerReadsLainey:
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