Top 5 Polarizing Books

  1. Twilight by Stephanie Meyer.  A lot of people in my generation can't stand this book, because they have realized how flawed this story is, and I get the dislike, I do.  As we get older we begin to see how bad a lot of YA like this can be, but I have a soft spot for this series.  This was the second series that I got into hardcore, the first series being Harry Potter, and I was one of those people who went through the vampire phase.  This was also the second series I got into that my mom liked too, and I am always trying to find ones that both me and my mom can enjoy.
  2. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas.  I know a lot of people don't like this one, especially since the second one came out, and I have not read the second one so my opinion might change.  I loved the this book.  If it's a Beauty and the Beast retelling I'm going to be interested.  This retelling was done really well in my opinion.  I'll probably get mad at Tamlin like everybody else as a I read the second one, but I'm sure I'll be one of the few readers who will still like both books.
  3. The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare.  Most think the Infernal Devices is much better, and truth be told I can't really say I prefer one over the other, because I haven't read ID in a long time, but I enjoy MI still.  A lot of people complain about characters like Jace and Clary, being part of the reason for their dislike, but I don't like that argument, because they're teenagers.  Teenagers are hormonal time bombs and if  you're in crazy situation, have magical powers, and in love you'll make stupid decisions.  I love the story and had no problem with her writing three more books.
  4. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.  The first time I read this book was in high school and I think I was the only one in my English class who loved this book.  I know people didn't like this book, because the characters were vapid and shallow.  People can't relate to the character.  Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres, the characters were fascinating, and I like Fitzgerald's writing style.  I also appreciate that it's a quick read, at least to me.
  5. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.  I don't hate this book, and this is my favorite kind of romance, but I just don't love it as much as everyone else.  I think it's partly Austen's writing style, but to be fair this was written a long time ago. I liked the characters, and I do plan to continue reading her novels, but I'm just not in love with her books, like a lot of people are.
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  1. Actually, I only like WATCHING or listening to Jane Austen. Reading it....meh. I need preferably to SEE it. Like Shakespeare. I was a Fitzgerald freak in high school so I loved Gatsby but Tender is the Night was my fave. Good post. Lisa @

    1. I'm the same way, but like I said I want to read her other books anyway and try reading more Shakespeare, but the screen versions are better. I want to read more of Fitzgerald's work.

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