Top Five: Underrated Books

Top 5 Books Underrated Books
  1. 1Q84 by Haruki Marukami.  This is a book I just finished last year, which was a pleasant relief, because it has taken me a few years to finish, and I have only heard two people mention it on Booktube. Despite a few things I didn’t like about it I thought this book was compelling and intriguing, and I am surprise no one talks about it.  I think it’s a book worth and talking about it.  I’m not saying it’s my favorite or the best book ever, but I think it’s worth a read.
  2. The 13th Tale by Diana Setterfield.  I absolutely loved this book!  This was a story within a story, which is one of my favorite concepts.  A woman becomes fascinated by this author, who wrote a set of fairytales.  There are 12 stories published, but a 13th was written, not published.  She wants to find about this story.  Sadly enough, I can’t recall the details, but like 1Q84 I want to hear people’s thoughts on it.
  3. This isn’t a specific book, but an author I feel is underrated, and that’s Kate Morton.  Her stories are so beautiful and full of poetic language.  I mean it’s not written like poetry, but her style is poetic to me.  She writes these fascinating and thrilling mysteries that are like puzzles that the reader and book’s protagonist has to put together.  She knows how to write brilliant female characters and good male ones too.  
  4. The Lady Trent Mysterious by Gilbert Morris.  This is a Victorian mystery trilogy that is very fun and thrilling that I have never heard people talk about.  It is a very enjoyable read with a bit romance.  I think a turn-off might be how it talks about Christian beliefs and those that who are atheist or non-Christians not like, but I think the mystery, romance, and historical setting is worth reading it.
  5. North and South by Elizabeth Glaskell.  People always talk about Jane Austen’s works and the Bronte sister’s books, but I rarely hear about this love story.  I love this story and prefer it over Pride and Prejudice, which the themes of this novel are similar too.  I saw the BBC mini series first and then read the book.


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