Review of The Librarians

   Tonight, we will be having  new episode of The Librarians, but I'll be talking about the previous episode.  Flynn returned in this episode and he is searching for the "Eye of Ra", but the eye is missing.  During his search he is bombarded by Eve and the other the Librarians, because they feel he has become cold and distant, but Flynn does not see it this.  He tells them that he is looking for the eye, which is more important, and they agree to help him search for it.  Their search takes them to an airplane about to cross the Bermuda Triangle and an Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass inspired dimension.  Not wanting to risk lives most of the gang finds a way back into the Library with the passengers, but Flynn tricks them into letting him stay behind, so he can retrieve "The Eye of Ra".  He must pass a series of test to prove he is worthy, and these tests challenge what Flynn believes about himself and how he relates to others.
    There has never been an episode that I haven't enjoyed on this show and this is no exception.   I have always liked character driven episodes and this one is all about Flynn.  He is doing what a lot of people, who are bit eccentric especially, do when they can't deal with their emotions, focus on the task that requires the use of the mind.  Flynn is a Librarian, so focusing on protecting  the world from dark magic, allows him to ignore his emotional problems, like his fear of loosing those he gets close to.  Flynn dismisses the others and their abilities, and runs away from dealing with his romantic relationship with Eve, but the problem with that method is it  usually results in the people not being driven away.  The gang has a intervention for Flynn.  Flynn's problem is not solved in the first five minutes or we wouldn't have a story.    The group is separated and Flynn ends up in the Bermuda Triangle.
        The best part is the Wonderland and Looking Glass references.  Each of his friends represent a character from the children's book:  Jenkins is the white knight, Eve is the White Queen, Jones is the Mad Hatter I believe,  Cassandra is the Red Queen, but we don't see Stone in the triangle, though he might be the knight that attacks Flynn when he gives a false answer.  Costumes were well done despite a probably limited budget.  The ending is bittersweet, because Flynn does intend to be a better boyfriend and friend, but it is motivated by knowing that he will have to sacrifice himself.
   I'm excited for tonight's episode and it looks like some love spells are involved.  Humor ensues!


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