
   I used to love Once Upon a Time and got even more excited when I watched Robert Carlyle's performance as Rumplestiltskin.  That first moment of RC's performance just gave him chills.   I intrigue by the plot, because who doesn't love fantasy and fairytales?!  Well, maybe some don't, but even my mom been interested as I watched every week.  Season one was great.  It was off to an amazing start, not perfect, but great.  That should have been the first sign.
    The premise for the first season was great, but the writer's made a risky choice by having Emma Swan, the savior break the curse by the end of the season.   At the time, I was curious to see what they would do next, where would they go from there, and if the second season would have been better.  It wasn't better, at least not to me, but it was decent.  After all, a lot of shows have Sophomore Season Slumps, but season two was when it all started to go bad.   The over-used amnesic plot that's constantly used in soap operas, Charming and Snow "always finding each other" in each season.  A judgmental Belle wanting to run away from Rumple, even though  when she lived with him in the Dark Castle, she had no problem with him using magic, but now he used too much. 
     Season one's Episode "Desperate Souls", Rumple is a poor spinner whose son is recruited at age 13  to join the army during the Ogre Wars.  Rumple knows his son could die and as we learn in a later in episode in season 2,  Rumple after going to war finds out that his wife Milah is pregnant.  He knows the only way he'll go home is if he is injured or dies, so he chooses injury, but when he returns there is no warm welcome.  All he gets in return is disgust that he didn't die in glory leaving her an honored widow.  Eventually, leaves Rumple and there son to have a "romance" with no other than Hook. and guess what..... years later   Hook "falls in love with" Rumple's son's baby mama.  Yep.  
   Back to my main point,  Rumple hears from a beggar that  he can steal the knife of the Dark One from the Duke, the one who his son would have to fight for, to control the being, or he can kill it and take the powers.  Rumple admits he would be too afraid.  While trying to runaway with his son, Bae, they run into the recruiter who taunts Rumple about his wife leaving and his fears.  He pushes Rumple down, who is disabled, and taunts him some more.  Bae is very loyal to his father.  Actually, that might come before they me the beggar.   Eventually, he encounters the Dark One when he steals the dagger, knowing he cannot protect his son as a single disabled man.  Just like the soldier the Dark One taunts Rumple about his "cowardice", and out of desperation Rumple stabs the Dark One becoming the new Dark One.  Not for power, but because he knows he can't protect his son with a broken leg and no allies to speak.  His wife left him because he didn't give him a chance to be an honored widow for Hook.  Hook even challenged Rumple who was crippled by then to duel to get Milah back, but Bae was only six and if Rumple died Bae would be fatherless.  Rumple was bullied by his own father and Cora, his lover, chose power of him.  Unfortunately, him reminding her she would have to give that up had the opposite effect.  
    Just like Cora and Milah, Belle, who is supposed to be compassionate and be his true love, is judgmental, critical, and has very high standards.   In both versions of BATB, Belle wasn't like that nor did she want to be some hero type.  Yes, she wanted an adventure, but she NEVER said "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere....and to get to save the day."  Just because you want adventure doesn't mean you want to be "hero", it just means you want to see the world, maybe be part of something bigger.    Even when Rumple had been CAGED by Zelena who was obsessed with him and didn't like rejection,  Belle was all about him needing to get over his bad, bad ways and be her prince charming.  It was her way or the high way.  Relationship and marriage are a two way street honey!  Rumple probably has PSTD and whether he was addicted or not you can't just expect someone like him to change over.  Belle needed to be understand, patient, and loving to her husband, not judgmental and critical.  
     I'm sure whether your team Rumple or team Belle we all can agree the yoyo effect got really old really fast.  He's evil!  OMG he was good!  Oh, wait he's morally gray!  Oh  he's evil again!  This used to be the best couple, next to Snowing, (team Rumbelle), but with they have written both characters no one wants them together.  Maybe that's what the writer's wanted all along.
   Here were some other problems, despite the show not being called "Once Upon a SwanCaptain" Emma and relationship with Hook has become central the past five seasons.  A character who has raped woman proudly, and don't give me that crap about "we haven't seen it", because when him and Emma go back in time his past self brags to Emma about it.  He has bullied and abused others, yet for some reason because he's in love with Emma he doesn't have to answer for his crimes.  May I remind you, he's in love with the woman who could have been Milah's daughter in-law!  Because the writers love him, Hook, has been center of attention since  his arrival in season 2.  #Nomoreonceuponahook!  
   The show also introduced a love interest for Regina, Robin Hood.  Now, first off Robin Hood and Maid Marian are well known, but for the sake of drama she's gone, and Regina's in.  Regina has whined and complained that people don't love her since season one, and guess what?  She slaughter's a village and has kidnapped Marian.  I was willing to support this ship if the writer's had taken their time with it, but right away Robin just makes excuses for Regina and is totally into her.  Then he dies and once again there's an excuse for the evil queen to reemerge.  Shocking.    This relationship could have actually been good, but once again the writers screw up.
    Finally, we have the Frozen diabolical.  Now, I loved Frozen the movie, but using Frozen to lure more fans was way too soon.  It was a total cash cow and there was nothing original about it.  Snow White, Peter Pan, Rumplestiltskin, and Beauty and the Beast had been give a new spin.  It was made original by the OUAT crew, but Frozen was just a live action version of the cartoon, so Disney and the OuAT crew could sell more products, make more money, and get more fans.  
   Basically, the only things that are keeping this show a float are Hookers, SC fans, fans who are still holding out, and those who just have to watch for personal reasons.  They barely have love for it, but have to see it through or proving they are better writers with Fanfiction.  ABC, Disney, and the show's crew are beating a dead horse by keeping it continuing to six seasons.  Rating are yoyoing if not tanking completely.  Recycled plots that did well in season 1 won't help these guys.  Ignoring minor characters completely while picking favorites won't help them forever.   
  P.S.  No one has a right to judge me or others that feel the same way about the show for refusing to watch.  This show has worsened people's health problems, and caused hatred amongst fans.  Phrases like "it's just a show" and "we can't please everybody" have gotten old.  The writers sure do love to please Hook fans and FYI the show has meant something to people like, because fiction isn't "just something...."  We're influenced by fiction constantly even if its only make believe and fantasy.  Have you ever heard of a metaphor?  OUAT was a show about hope, but now it looks more like some crazy soap opera with bad storytelling, and teaches its audience shallow belief.


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