Top 5 Wednesday: 2017 Reads

The top 5 books I want to finally read in 2017 are.....

  1. Out of Oz by Gregory MaGuire.  I want to reread the other 3 books, so if they have them in the library I'll just borrow them, until I get a job.  I loved that series and still have not read the last book.  

  2. Inheritance by Christopher Paolini.  I'll have to do the same thing with this series and reread the first three books, which I still have, and it will give me a chance to determine if the movie truly was bad.  
  3. The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo.  Ever since I heard Samantha from Thoughts on Tome talk about this I've been obsessing over reading this trilogy.  This might be a library book, but I will probably end up buying him.  

  4. Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.  This is a series I heard about from Reagan from PeruseProjects and I am interested in adult fantasy.  

  5. Mistborn: Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson  For me the same reasons as Name of the Wind.

Honorable Mention: Voyager by  Diana Gabaldon.  I will be reading it this year definitely.


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