Top 5 Wednesday: Series/Season That Got Worse

It's top 5 Wednesday time!  I know it's a day early but I won't be able to get on all day tomorrow. This is a goodreads group created by Ginger Reads Lainey and now hosted by Sam on Thoughts on Tomes.  Here are my books series/T.V. Series that got worse.  This is just my opinion.

  1. Twilight series.  I have mixed feelings about this series. I have a soft spot for it, but I do agree it started to not be as good, though, I did like the different vampire types that were introduced in Breaking Dawn.  
  2. House of Night series.  The protagonist Zoey Redbird was really annoying me as the series progress, and there were too many books, I was getting bored.  They could have stopped the antagonist a lot sooner. I had to DNF the series.   

  3. Glee.  It got repetitive and the new cast storyline felt like a repeat of the original storyline.  I only like the singing.  
  4. Once Upon a Time.  There is so much I could say about this show and how bad the writing got.  The writers seemed to forget that this is an ensemble show and showed favoritism, which is something I personally feel a writer should never do. Like Glee the writers recycled plots and treat topics such as abuse and PSTD disrespectfully.  
  5. The Immortals series.  The first book was cute and sweet and I liked the reincarnation aspect.  It just got too cheesy for me.  I did finish it, but will not read again.  


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