Top 5 Wednesday: Fictional Gifts You'd Like to Give as Gifts

Here's my Top 5 Wednesday:
  1.  A Tardis.  I would give this my friend Terri, so she can go back in to ancient Egypt or possibly my friends Carol, who is a big Whovian, and I think she would enjoy the a trip with the Doctor on his Tardis.  My friend Kristen Weeks would probably enjoy traveling on the Tardis as well.
  2. A wand. I think I could give almost anyone a wand and they would enjoy it.  My mom could probably use it to help her clean and my dad to help with all his projects.
  3. A direwolf.  I don't know who I would give this....I think...Ter'race.  Her Baby passed away and I think she would love a new dog, granted its a wolf, but they're so cute and loyal.  She might have to move to a colder climate, so they're not the most practical gift, but I'm not one for practicality.
  4. Stele.  Laurissa hasn't gotten into Cassie Clare's books, but I think this would be very helpful to her.  She can have cool tattoo like marks on her skin that offer her great skills, plus with her great drawing abilities she could be like Clary.  
  5. Dorothy's slippers.  I would gift these to my friend Jenny.  I think it would escapism from her life that she doesn't always like.  She could escape from those people who won't leave her alone and get closer to her dream job, at least physically.  Come to think of it, someone's idea about Aladdin's lamp might be a better gift for her.
Top 5 Wednesday was created by Ginger Reads Lainey and is now hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes.


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