Top 5 Wednesday: Characters You'd Invite to a New Year's Eve Party

Top 5 Wednesday: Characters I’d invite to NYE Party
  1. Magnus Bane.  Magnus Bane is an exceptionally fun warlock who knows how to have a good time.  He could use his magical skills to entertain the guests and he has an infectious personality that could over anyone, unless you’re a Scoorge.
  2. Celaena Sardothian.  She loves to have a good time and go to parties.  She would also be an exciting person to converse with being well read, an assassin, and Fae.  Of course, I don’t know how she would feel about me and my friends. I know she doesn’t trust easily.  I’m going with only knowledge from the first books, but I have heard she isn’t as likable in the most recent books as a character.
  3. The Weasley Twins.  Just like Magnus they are magical and would be able to keep the guests entertain with jokes and pranks.
  4. Alice Cullen.  She knows how to throw a party.  She’ll be able to help me prepare before the guests arrived, and I would love to just hang out with her.  She’s really the only character that I really love in those books, though the Jacob’s pack is a pretty cool bunch.  Jasper is another favorite, so Alice isn’t the only one, and I would insist she bring him, because it wouldn’t be right for her to come without her boyfriend.
  5. I am tried to avoid television and movie only characters, because I am trying to remember all the books I have read more thoroughly. It is a personal thing I have discovered about myself, but my last one will be a television show character, The Doctor.  He is such an awesome alien with great stories about his adventures and the people he has met along the way. Plus he’s a great dancer and loves humans.  Maybe he’ll even take the guests that aren’t other worldly, on an adventure in his TARDIS.  I know he’s not always good with people, but once you get to know the Doctor he steals your heart, just as he steals you away from the mundane world, and takes you on an adventure.

P.S. I could include more than five I would include the cast of Galavant, and the Mackenzie-Fraser clan from Outlander.

Top 5 is hosted by Samantha on Thoughts on Tomes:

And was created by Lainey on GingerReadsLainey:


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